Monday, December 13, 2010


In class, I learned a lot about Lebron James that I did not really care about, but when we were on topic there was a lot of information we learned.  It seemed like the class was a trip around the world.  We never focused on one thing, but always traveled, from the Asian Invasion to American sports, Qatar getting the 2022 World Cup, David Beckham being the most recognizable face in sports, South Africa in the 1995 Rugby World Cup, to the Canadian Crisis with the Wayne Gretzky trade.  The most useful thing I learned was that we as a country are not as great as we thought.  We lost the Olympics and the World Cup and when everyone thought the Super Bowl was the most important sporting event in the world, all three World Cups (soccer, rugby, and cricket) all get more fans and are watched all over the world.  The topic I found most interesting was the “boatload mentality” and how my opinion was dramatically different from the rest of the class and I refused to budge my beliefs.  This practice is not a race issue, but a business proposition and it is something I enjoyed debating.  As far as blogging, I definitely did not keep up, as it is something easy to do at the last minute, however I do wish I kept up with them because it is a great way to write down all your thoughts on a subject and express yourself and by keeping up it sums up what was just learned and helps you remember it better.  Blogging is the new technology driven public journal and I have always thought about doing a sports blog to speak my mind on current topics, so this may be a start for me. I thoroughly enjoyed this class because of how laid back and conversational it was.  I was passionate about the topics, so I loved giving my opinion and throwing my two cents out there.  In all of my other classes, I generally just sit in the back and do not say anything because truthfully I do not really care, but this class was much different and was a great atmosphere and I would tell anybody to take this class.


  1. Great thoughts this year, I enjoyed following your thoughts about class isssues. Keep blogging about whats going on in your sports career, and I will try to leave comments back. Great job keeping up, and I will see you around.

  2. I like what you wrote about it being like a trip around the world. I know I started looking for things that were happening in other parts of the world more than I had before. Sorry if we turned our attention to South Beach a few times too many.
