Sunday, December 12, 2010

The "Boatload Mentality." It's About Skill, Not Race

Every time we discussed the “boatload mentality” and comparing Latino players to Asian and American players, the race issue was always brought up.  This happened because it was the easiest excuse to make but there does not need to be an excuse for this since there is no problem to begin with.  The reason why American born players make more than Asian and Latino born players (and essentially why Asian born players make more than Latino born players) is because of the level of competitiveness and age were all these players sign their contracts.  Americans are 18 year old players coming out of high school or 20-23 year old players coming out of college.  These young men are playing the ultimate competitive level of baseball and that is why they are making million dollar signing bonuses.  These are the ones that have proven the most on the amateur level and have a strong upside.  When Asian players enter Major League Baseball, they are in their upper twenties, lower thirties in age and have been playing in the Asian leagues for years, often considered to be a level just above AAA baseball and just below the MLB.  Finally, the reason that Latin American players have such a low bonus when coming to play baseball in America is because they come from a region that has next to nothing and competitively is not much better.  Yes, there is a lot of talent in these Latin American regions, but when these players are signed, they sign at the age of 16 and come to America based on potential and still have a lot to learn.  These young men will gladly take that bonus because it will probably be more than they could ever make while staying at home.  Most of these young men do not have a future because they will not get a good education, if they get one at all.  Baseball is their ticket.  If they work hard and show potential, a team will take a risk on them.  That is how it has been and more than likely how it will always be.  This is not a race issue, this is all business.

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