Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Paralympics and Murderball

When we were discussing the Paralympics in class, I remembered about half way through that I had watched the movie Murderball in a previous class.  I remember from watching that movie how serious the Paralympics are and how to some people (not just those that participate) that they are just as serious as the mainstream Olympics, the only Olympics it seems the Americans care about.  While watching Murderball, I learned that the Paralympics are played at the same venues as the mainstream Olympics and start right when these Olympics end.  This gives the participants a sense of pride.  Due to a birth defect or a terrible accident, they cannot compete at the same level athletically with those in the mainstream Olympics, but they do not just get some low level games to participate in, but they get the same treatment as the stars of their respected country get in the Olympics.  I cannot speak personally, but I feel that this would be a big deal to the Paralympians.  They would feel just as welcomed and regarded in the same sense as the main stream athletes.  All sports are played the same way, with only little tweaks here and there to account for the disadvantage the athlete was given at birth or do to an accident.  These people train just as hard, work just as hard, and try just as hard (maybe even harder) than the mainstream athletes and it is great that they are treated the way they are, now it is just time for America to show them the proper respect they deserve just like most other countries.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. It seems completely unfair that Paralympians do not recieve that same treatment or even respect as Olympians. These athletes may be differently-abled, or injured in some way, but they are still the best athletes in their divisions, and sports. The have usually overcome something more difficult than an abled person, therefore they receive at the very least, the same amount of respect.

    I believe if the media would cover the Paralympics, then they could make a breakthrough in getting recognition and respect for their sccomplishments.
