Sunday, December 12, 2010

Asian Athletes in America

Recently, there have been a lot of Asians coming over to America to play sports.  When Hideki Irabu came over, he started a game in my hometown of Rochester and because of him set one of the highest attendance records at Frontier Field with over 13,000 coming to watch him pitch, including hundreds of Asian media.  Ichiro came over and made a huge splash my dominating the game, and Yao came over to try to compete with guys like Shaq.  Ichiro and Yao have done a lot of good for their respected sports.  Ichiro’s great success helped pave the way for other Asian baseball players to make the jump and create a more stable market for the MLB in Asia.  Yao helped create a market in Asia for the NBA setting up endless possibilities.  However, for every good, there is a bad and the bad is found on the LPGA Tour.  Asian women are dominating it and that can be positive, however they are making it negative.  They are giving the tour a bad publicity image because they refuse to speak English, even when they know it and it seems that they do not care about anything else but playing.  LPGA is not really established, so it needs great promotion, especially from its athletes to help establish it.  With these women dominating yet not cooperating, who is going to want to put money into the Tour?  No one is going to want to golf with them at Pro-Ams and no one is going to want to follow them come game day.  Golf is a serious game, but you have to play a little for the fans and with these women not doing that, it is hurting the sport.

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